A zine dedicated to how Danganronpa characters celebrate their birthdays.
Currently on: Leftovers sale!
No two people celebrate their birthday the same way. From a night with a good book to a giant party with friends, or even a quiet night with close family, a wide variety of interpretations of a birthday celebration are welcome!DR Bday Zine is a digital-only book with physical merch, for charity, SFW zine dedicated to how birthdays are celebrated by all of the cast members within the mainline Danganronpa games.The Zine is planned to have each character have a single piece dedicated to them, with minor appearances in other characters pieces. The zine's format is planned to be in birthday order from the start of the year.This zine is going to have Digital and Physical merchandise, with potential appearances of Danganronpa Another Episode characters and more!
A fanzine is an original anthology book (digital and/or physical) featuring a collection of exclusive artworks and written pieces following a fandom or a theme.What is this zine about?
How Danganronpa Characters celebrate their birthdays! You can learn more about this in the About Page.Will this zine get a physical book option?
No. There will be no physical book for this zine. Only a Digital PDF.
You are not allowed to independently print and sell this zine.How old do I have to be to apply?
Contributors must be 16+ to apply for this zine, as is to play the games according to ESRB/PEGI ratings.How old do I have to be to purchase the zine?
Most storefronts require buyers to be 18+, or for those under 18 to have consent from a legal guardian to purchase anything. The storefronts this zine will be using will follow those same standards.Is this zine for profit or charity?
For Charity! The charity of choice is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! Consider checking them out here!How many contributors are there going to be?
Roughly one for every character in the main 3 Danganronpa games at minimum. There are also Contributors creating Merchandise!How will contributors be compensated?
All contributors will receive a free PDF of the zine. Free merchandise will also be included to all contributors should it be in the zine after the results of the interest check- if preorders allow it for physical. In the case that this is not possible, physical merch will be offered at production cost to all contributors and mods.Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes! You may apply for whatever you feel you will complete.Will there be intern positions available?
No, there will be no intern positions available for this zine.What happens if the zine doesn't have enough Contributors for DR3 and Another Episode characters?
The zine will still continue, but will only include characters from the 3 mainline games then.Is this zine going to have merchandise?
Yes! This Zine will have Digital and Physical Merchandise available to apply and create for! Preorders will be for Digital and Physical goods.ZINE-SPECIFIC RELATED QUESTIONSAre Danganronpa Another Episode or Danganronpa 3: Future Arc Characters going to be in this zine?
Unfortunately, while DR:AE and DR3 characters will not be getting their own pages, Komaru does feature within a page on the zine, as well as a merchandise item!Are there going to be spoilers for the series in this zine?
Yes. Certain characters are already spoilers in and of themselves, but some content related to characters within the zine also qualify as spoilers.Is this zine going to be following the canon timeline?
This zine will be following a generally Non-Despair Universe for rule of thumb, although contributors are allowed to use elements from The Ultimate Talent Development Plan and Danganronpa S should they wish to include it in their piece.Is romantic shipping allowed in this zine?
No, this zine will not be exploring Romantic Relationships. Platonic relationships (such as close friends or family), are welcomed to be used however.What is this zine's rating?
Content within this zine will never go over the Mature/PEGI 16 rating that the games were given. There may feature partial adult content (such as sexual humor, mature language, cursing) and minor depictions of violence (mentions of death, minor violence) depending on the character, but nothing will reach an 18+/Adult rating.
Disturbing content (sexual or violent) related to young children is not allowed within this zine.What happens to zine pieces after the zine is over?
Contributors retain full rights to their pieces, and are allowed to do whatever they wish with their piece after the zine. Contributors are asked to wait until one month after the zine has been completed before pieces are posted.Are other AU's (Talentswap, Mastermind, etc.) allowed within this zine for individual characters?
No, we ask that all contributors stick to characters default portrayals within their pieces, although certain characters can and may be slightly altered depending on contributors choice.What are Chihiro's pronouns for this zine?
Chihiro's pronouns will be up to the contributors choice should it be brought up in their piece, although server discussion will default to they/them.I have a question that wasn't answered here! What do I do?
Any questions that you have that aren't answered can be asked to our Retrospring, the DM's of our Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram, or emailed to us at
[email protected]LAST UPDATED: MAR. 28th 2023
Please note that more detailed and specific guidelines will be provided to those accepted into the zine. These are the more general content guidelines, however, to keep in mind before applying.🎀 IN-DEPTH ARTIST GUIDELINES CAN BE FOUND HERE🎀 IN-DEPTH WRITER GUIDELINES CAN BE FOUND HERE🎀 IN-DEPTH MERCH ARTIST GUIDELINES CAN BE FOUND HEREGeneral Rules
- Participants in the zine will act in a courteous and professional manner with one another, regardless of personal disagreements, and will do their best to minimize conflict through this project.
- Both the server and the zine will not contain or allow sexual content.
- There will be no hate towards any character present or allowed in the server or the zine.
- Both the server and the zine will be free of racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, aphobia, transphobia or any form of bigotry. Offenders of this rule will be blacklisted from the zine.Contributor Application Information
- Contributors will be assigned character(s) for this zine.
- Contributors will be allowed to choose up to 6 characters they'd like to create content for, as well as list characters they'd like to avoid, when filling out their application. No contributor will be assigned or forced to take a character they wouldn't want to create for. The zine will do everything in it's power to make sure contributors get assigned a character they'd like to create for.
- Contributors are allowed to sign up for as many positions, or as many pieces, as they'd feel confident they'd be able to complete. Please only sign up for multiple pieces or positions if confident they can all be fulfilled.General Contributor Guidelines
- Contributors are required to make their piece based on the character assigned to them. Other characters can be included within the piece as well, but the major focus must be on the assigned character. Characters may have a general limit to how much they can appear in other pieces.
- Contributors are required to have a Discord account for communication purposes.
- There will be no depictions or mentions of any characters canon executions or deaths (if applicable), characters being brutally hurt or killed, heavy blood, explicit gore or explicit sexual content allowed in your pieces.
- Mild violence (think small cuts/bruises, nosebleeds) is allowed.
- Depressing topics can be hinted at (after all, birthdays can be bittersweet depending on the character!), but cannot be the main focus of your pieces.
- All pieces must be original and made for the Zine. Previous works will not be allowed in the zine.Rules may be updated as necessary.
All dates can be subject to change.
Event | Date |
Oct. 10th | |
Preorders | Apr. 15th. |
Shipment Date | Early Oct. |
Head // Art // Finance // Shipping // Pinch Hitter
Hello hello! I’m Mod Saishii, 23 year old merch collector, DR Fan and the person mainly behind this zine. As a super big Danganronpa enthusiast, I’m so thrilled to see what people will create for such a wonderful concept as birthdays.I’ve worked as Head Mod, Finance Mod and Art Mod for In Our Hearts Zine, a digital zine dedicated to unpopular Danganronpa characters, the Instagram Mod, Discord Mod, Art Mod, Pinch Hitter Page and Merch Artist and General Assistant for Dance of Despair Zine, a physical zine featuring characters at prom and an Art Mod for DanganGarden, a digital free zine dedicated to DR characters and flowers!
Top 3 🎂: I'm excited to see birthdays for Hoshi, Saionji and Maizono!